This Instructor’s Training Course is for those who plan on training other people or customers, and becoming an instructor for Flyboarding or Hoverboarding. This course will reward you with an Instructor’s Certification Card that you are able to present to your insurance company. This course will allow you to return to your own business or employer and work as a certified trained Flyboard or Hoverboard Instructor. The course is 7-8 hours, in which the trainee receives hands-on Flyboard and Hoverboard training, practice, assembly, teaching strategies, and general maintenance.
This full day training course includes:
- Verbal and Written training with an Aquatic Aviation Instructor
- You will review the Flyboard and Hoverboard Safety and User Guidelines and Restrictions and take the Flyboard and Hoverboard
- User and Safety Test.
- Flyboard and Hoverboard Assembly
- Learn to Ride Flyboard (Basic Maneuvers)
- Learn to Operate Flyboard Throttle
- You will operate one of our instructor’s on the Flyboard. The instructor will additionally give you common troubleshooting scenarios.
- Lunch (Provided by AQAV)
- Learn to Ride Hoverboard (Basic Maneuvers)
- Learn to Operate Hoverboard Throttle
- You will have the ability to operate our instructor on the Hoverboard.
- The instructor will additionally give you common troubleshooting scenarios.
- Flyboard and Hoverboard Maintenance
- Flyboard and/or Hoverboard Instructor Certification ID Card