You may recognize this man as the host of Discovery’s Dirty Jobs. Flyboarding? A dirty job? Quite the opposite. Mike’s newest show Somebody’s Gotta Do It features innovators, entrepreneurs, and odd hobbies. Aquatic Aviation was the first Flyboard rentals and sales company in the United States, founded by Paul Bulka. Mike wanted to meet the person who paved the way to bring this awesome sport to the U.S. and give Flyboarding a try.

The episode begins with Mike asking Paul how he wound up in this strange sport. Paul was determined to start up his own business and moved out to California with a few friends to pursue that dream. When his business partner dropped out, Paul dream only grew bigger. Now, Aquatic Aviation is one of the most reputable Flyboarding companies and dominating in SEO.
Once the guys made their way down to the water, Paul gave Mike a little demo. There were more questions than answers by the end of it. “What the hell is that?” “How does it get its power?” Once Mike was geared up, Paul gave him a few minutes of instruction and the two were off into the bay. Mike did great! The usual falls at the beginning, but he was able to hold his own and even do some dolphin dives by the end.
Check out the preview for S3 Ep 6: Ascending the Giants featuring Aquatic Aviation
Pulling the Show
YouĀ can watch more Somebody’s Gotta Do It On-Demand, but unfortunately, there will be no new episodes. During election season, all news networks pledged to mention Donald Trump at least once every five minutes. Airing one episode of the hour-long show would have broken the vow twelve times! Mike stated in his blog that “the sudden and repeated appearance of Donald Trump in the middle of a light-hearted show with no political agenda will almost certainly leave viewers confused and frightened.” So he decided to pull the show. Maybe now that the election is over we’ll see more of Mike back on TV. For now, you can check out his podcast “The Way I Heard It” or his YouTube channel. We wish you the best, Mike!
It was an honor to work with Mike Rowe and his crew. Thanks for spreading the word about the Flyboard community. Keep up the awesome work, guys!